19 September 2012

Guess how much I love you

Writing this on a connecting flight I've been on for 5 hour or more now. Time passes pretty quickly actually, except that there are too many things to do, I need to sleep more.

Missing the little girl.

Hopefully, she doesn't miss me as much. I don't want her to feel as terrible as I do now.

It's about 8.30pm in Singapore now. About the time I would be home for our daily personal time together before sleeping. I hope Daddy's home and doing that in my place, telling her how much she is loved.

I have so many photos of her in my phone, I can look at it anytime I want to. But she won't have many of me because I'm always the photographer. And I forgot the video I was going to make for her to cheer her up, just in case she missed me too.


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